embedded-glassfish 4 & Certificate has expired “GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc.”

7 Sep

I’m messing around with the Embedded Glassfish 4 Maven plugin and came across this error:

Sep 07, 2013 10:40:11 PM com.sun.enterprise.security.ssl.impl.SecuritySupportImpl checkCertificateDates
SEVERE: SEC5054: Certificate has expired: [
Version: V3
Subject: CN=GTE CyberTrust Root 5, OU="GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc.", O=GTE Corporation, C=US
Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5

Key: Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits
modulus: 23741889829347261660812437366387754385443431973861114865490414153884050331745811968523116847625570146592736935209718565296053386842135985534863157983128812774162998053673746470782252407673402238146869994438729551246768368782318393878374421033907597162218758024581735139682087126982809511479059100617027892880227587855877479432885604404402435662802390484099065871430585284534529627347717530352189612077130606642676951640071336717026459037542552927905851171460589361570392199748753414855675665635003335769915908187224347232807336022456537328962095005323382940080676931822787496212635993279098588863972868266229522169377
public exponent: 65537
Validity: [From: Fri Aug 14 16:50:00 CEST 1998,
To: Thu Aug 15 01:59:00 CEST 2013]
Issuer: CN=GTE CyberTrust Root 5, OU="GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc.", O=GTE Corporation, C=US
SerialNumber: [ 01b6]

Certificate Extensions: 4
[1]: ObjectId: Criticality=true

[2]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
CertificatePolicies [
[CertificatePolicyId: [1.2.840.113763.]
[] ]

[3]: ObjectId: Criticality=true
KeyUsage [

[4]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 76 0A 49 21 38 4C 9F DE F8 C4 49 C7 71 71 91 9D v.I!8L....I.qq..

Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]
0000: 41 3A D4 18 5B DA B8 DE 21 1C E1 8E 09 E5 F1 68 A:..[...!......h
0010: 34 FF DE 96 F4 07 F5 A7 3C F3 AC 4A B1 9B FA 92 4.......<..J.... 0020: FA 9B ED E6 32 21 AA 4A 76 C5 DC 4F 38 E5 DF D5 ....2!.Jv..O8... 0030: 86 E4 D5 C8 76 7D 98 D7 B1 CD 8F 4D B5 91 23 6C ....v......M..#l 0040: 8B 8A EB EA 7C EF 14 94 C4 C6 F0 1F 4A 2D 32 71 ............J-2q 0050: 63 2B 63 91 26 02 09 B6 80 1D ED E2 CC B8 7F DB c+c.&........... 0060: 87 63 C8 E1 D0 6C 26 B1 35 1D 40 66 10 1B CD 95 .c...l&.5.@f.... 0070: 54 18 33 61 EC 13 4F DA 13 F7 99 AF 3E D0 CF 8E T.3a..O.....>...
0080: A6 72 A2 B3 C3 05 9A C9 27 7D 92 CC 7E 52 8D B3 .r......'....R..
0090: AB 70 6D 9E 89 9F 4D EB 1A 75 C2 98 AA D5 02 16 .pm...M..u......
00A0: D7 0C 8A BF 25 E4 EB 2D BC 98 E9 58 38 19 7C B9 ....%..-...X8...
00B0: 37 FE DB E2 99 08 73 06 C7 97 83 6A 7D 10 01 2F 7.....s....j.../
00C0: 32 B9 17 05 4A 65 E6 2F CE BE 5E 53 A6 82 E9 9A 2...Je./..^S....
00D0: 53 0A 84 74 2D 83 CA C8 94 16 76 5F 94 61 28 F0 S..t-.....v_.a(.
00E0: 85 A7 39 BB D7 8B D9 A8 B2 13 1D 54 09 34 24 7D ..9........T.4$.
00F0: 20 81 7D 66 7E A2 90 74 5C 10 C6 BD EC AB 1B C2 ..f...t\.......

Sep 07, 2013 10:40:11 PM com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.AppServerStartup postStartupJob
INFO: Undefined Product Name - define product and version info in config/branding 0.0.0 (0) startup time : Embedded (1,472ms), startup services(1,467ms), total(2,939ms)
Sep 07, 2013 10:40:11 PM org.glassfish.admin.mbeanserver.JMXStartupService$JMXConnectorsStarterThread run
INFO: JMXStartupService has disabled JMXConnector system
Sep 07, 2013 10:40:11 PM com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.util.JmsRaUtil getInstalledMqVersion
WARNING: RAR7000 : Check for a new version of MQ installation failed : /tmp/gfembed2546515913036538019tmp/lib/install/applications/jmsra/../imqjmsra.rar (No such file or directory):/tmp/gfembed2546515913036538019tmp/lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.rar
Sep 07, 2013 10:40:12 PM PluginUtil startGlassFish
INFO: Started GlassFish ServerId = maven, GlassFish = com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.StaticGlassFishRuntime$1@4bdb635a, TimeTaken = 1,887 ms

A quick search revealed some hints on Stackoverflow. Unfortunately, they all refer to Glassfish running as standalone, not in an embedded fashion.

Long story short, you’ll have to update the jar file used by the glassfish-embedded maven plugin like this:

mkdir -p /tmp/gf
cd /tmp/gf
unzip /home/domdorn/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/main/extras/glassfish-embedded-all/4.0/glassfish-embedded-all-4.0.jar
chmod +rwx * -Rf
# default keystore password is "changeit"
keytool -delete -keystore config/cacerts.jks -alias gtecybertrust5ca
zip -r ../glassfish-embedded-all-4.0.jar .
mv /home/domdorn/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/main/extras/glassfish-embedded-all/4.0/glassfish-embedded-all-4.0.jar /home/domdorn/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/main/extras/glassfish-embedded-all/4.0/glassfish-embedded-all-4.0.jar_backup
cp ../glassfish-embedded-all-4.0.jar /home/domdorn/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/main/extras/glassfish-embedded-all/4.0/glassfish-embedded-all-4.0.jar

Of course, you’ll have to replace “/home/domdorn/.m2/repository” with the path to your local maven repository.

1 Response to embedded-glassfish 4 & Certificate has expired “GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc.”


» ProTip: RAD with Vaadin7, JavaEE7, Glassfish4 embedded + maven dominikdorn.com

September 8th, 2013 at 19:31

[…] also wrote a post on what to do if embedded glassfish is complaining about expired certificates. It might come […]

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