About / Contact

Contact info

If you want to contact me, write to {firstname}@{firstname}{lastname}.com …
My firstname is dominik, my lastname is dorn… you’ll get the idea.

I’m based in Vienna, Austria. Relocation is not an option at the moment. Also I’m a happy freelancer and don’t plan to change this.

Rules of contact

Please note: contacting me is only allowed on an individual basis.

To make this clear:

This means you have consent to take my email, put it NOW in your email program and write me NOW.
However, you don’t have consent to store my data in a database, excel sheet or some other form of storage, application, mailing list or something alike and then use it to cold mail me about the super exciting new project of your customer for which you are trying to recruit. If you want to put me in such a database, write me a personal email first, then I might give you consent. If this is to much effort on your side, forget it.


If you somehow managed to get my phone number, please don’t call me out of the blue. Write me an Email, then we can schedule a call. If you call, chances are high I’m either asleep, in a meeting or deeply focused and extremly stressed that you’re interrupting me. Please also see “Project availabilty” down below.


I only understand German and English. Writing me in any other language is meaningless.

Project availability

At the moment, I’m not available for new projects until January 2023. I’m also not available for relocation – except if you make me an offer I cant refuse in a warm area with a beach. As it stands now, I’m also only available for contract-positions.
