Note to self: SBT Exclude (multiple) Dependencies (with Scala Version)

4 Apr

// pdf generation
val play2PDF = "it.innove" % "play2-pdf" % "1.5.1" excludeAll(
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "twirl-api_2.11"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "play-server_2.11"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "play-java_2.11"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "play-netty-server_2.11"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "play-logback_2.11")

Unfortunately, it’s required to hardcode the Scala Version into the Artifact name.. Bug is still open.
Additional note: ExclusionRule.artifact actually refers to the type of packaging.. like jar / pom / zip / etc.

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