Recently, I’ve implemented a Swagger-API with Play. As I’ve published a new version of the API, I wanted to make a CHANGELOG available.
So the question was, where to store this file.. a blog or some other external resource felt plainly wrong, so I decided to put it right next to the code.
class ChangeLogController (cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = cc.executionContext
def changeLog = cc.actionBuilder.apply { req =>
val clazz = this.getClass
val resource = Option(clazz.getResourceAsStream(“/de/some/package/structure/api/v1_1/CHANGELOG.txt”))
.map(s => StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => s))
.map(source => {
header = ResponseHeader(play.api.http.Status.OK, Map.empty, None),
body = HttpEntity.Streamed(source, None, Some(“text/plain”))
.getOrElse(Results.InternalServerError(“failed to load file from classpath”))
Code language: Scala (scala)