Using JPA EntityListener Annotations with Avaje Ebean

3 Jan

While migrating a project of mine from JPA2 to Avaje Ebean, I encountered a issue, I wasn’t expecting.

Avaje Ebean does not support the JPA EntityListener Annotations, like


Some nice folks on the Ebean Mailinglist directed me to some Documentation about EntityListeners in Ebean including a helpful forum link which finally pointed me to the BeanPersistController Interface in the Ebean Java API .
With that Information, I was able to create a EntityListener that enables the use of the JPA EntityListener Annotations with Ebean.

This Gist shows how I’ve done it:

package models.sgcore;

import com.avaje.ebean.event.BeanPersistAdapter;
import com.avaje.ebean.event.BeanPersistRequest;

import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

 * This is a <code>BeanPersistController</code> that looks for methods annotated with the JPA Annotations
 * <code>@PrePersist</code>
 * <code>@PostPersist</code>
 * <code>@PreUpdate</code>
 * <code>@PostUpdate</code>
 * <code>@PreDestroy</code>
 * <code>@PostLoad</code>
 * registers those methods with this Listener and calls them when necessary.
public class SGBeanPersistController extends BeanPersistAdapter {
    private Map<String,Method> prePersistMap = new TreeMap<String, Method>();
    private Map<String,Method> postPersistMap = new TreeMap<String, Method>();

    private Map<String,Method> preUpdateMap = new TreeMap<String, Method>();
    private Map<String,Method> postUpdateMap = new TreeMap<String, Method>();

    private Map<String,Method> preDestroyMap = new TreeMap<String, Method>();

    private Map<String,Method> postLoadMap = new TreeMap<String, Method>();

    public boolean isRegisterFor(Class<?> aClass) {
        if(aClass.getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null){
            System.out.println("Registering a Entity; Type is " + aClass.toString());
            Method[] methods = aClass.getMethods();
            boolean hasListener = false;
            for(Method m : methods)
//                System.out.println("looking if method " + m.toString() + " has Annotation on it. ");
                    prePersistMap.put(aClass.getName(), m);
                    hasListener = true;
                    postPersistMap.put(aClass.getName(), m);
                    hasListener = true;
                    preDestroyMap.put(aClass.getName(), m);
                    hasListener = true;
                    preUpdateMap.put(aClass.getName(), m);
                    hasListener = true;
                    postUpdateMap.put(aClass.getName(), m);
                    hasListener = true;

                    postLoadMap.put(aClass.getName(), m);
                    hasListener = true;

            return hasListener;
        return false;

    private void getAndInvokeMethod(Map<String,Method> map, Object o)
        Method m = map.get(o.getClass().getName());
        if(m != null)
            try {
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {

    public boolean preInsert(BeanPersistRequest<?> request) {
        getAndInvokeMethod(prePersistMap, request.getBean());
        return super.preInsert(request);

    public boolean preDelete(BeanPersistRequest<?> request) {
        getAndInvokeMethod(preDestroyMap, request.getBean());
        return super.preDelete(request);

    public boolean preUpdate(BeanPersistRequest<?> request) {
        getAndInvokeMethod(preUpdateMap, request.getBean());
        return super.preUpdate(request);

    public void postDelete(BeanPersistRequest<?> request) {
        // there is no @PostDestroy annotation in JPA 2

    public void postInsert(BeanPersistRequest<?> request) {
        getAndInvokeMethod(postPersistMap, request.getBean());

    public void postUpdate(BeanPersistRequest<?> request) {
        getAndInvokeMethod(postUpdateMap, request.getBean());

    public void postLoad(Object bean, Set<String> includedProperties) {
        getAndInvokeMethod(postLoadMap, bean);
        super.postLoad(bean, includedProperties);

Questions? Comments? Forks?

I appreciate any kind of feedback! 🙂

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