Posts Tagged ‘Java

As already documented in my previous article about Spring and VAVR, I’m using the Future’s provided by VAVR as return types in my controller. What I’m also using, is the SpringDoc OpenAPI library to generate my OpenAPI specification. By default, SpringDoc has no clue about VAVR and how to handle its Future type. Thus, by […]

Learn how to use the Future of Vavr in a Spring Boot Project

If you run into the error “ORA-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000”, you’ll probably created a query that has to many elements in the IN-clause. To fix it, use the provided helper class to issue multiple queries with less than 1000 elements.

This post shows how to use the JPA EntityListener Annotations with Avaje Ebean.

Recently I hold a presentation about Avaje Ebean on my local Java User Group – The Java Student User Group. Ebean is a alternative to the established Java Persistence API (JPA) implementations like Hibernate, EclipseLink etc. It uses the JPA Annotations like @Table @Entity @OneToOne @OneToMany @ManyToOne @ManyToMany @Column @Enumerated @Temporal etc. to map your […]

This article shows how to access a PHP-Session from Java when running under Quercus – an implementation of PHP in Java which runs in any decent Servlet-Container.

Solutions to the Absent Code attribute problem often encountered when trying to do unit testing with Maven&/JUnit.

CDI/Weld manual lookup

21, Apr 2010

This post describes how to manually lookup beans in a CDI / Weld managed environment when you are somewhere where a simple @Inject does not work because the object itself is not managed by CDI / Weld.

If you – like me – have the problem, that you need to run Tomcat or Glassfish or any other Java Webserver on Port 80, this might come handy for you: The problem: Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, JBoss AS etc. .. they all run on unprivileged ports > 1024, defaulting to 8080. If you want to […]

Here you’ll find the web.xml headers for servlet 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 3.0 + web-fragment.xml for servlet 3.0
