Posts Tagged ‘JavaEE

CDI/Weld manual lookup

21, Apr 2010

This post describes how to manually lookup beans in a CDI / Weld managed environment when you are somewhere where a simple @Inject does not work because the object itself is not managed by CDI / Weld.

In this post you will learn how to match complex urls with regular expressions and PrettyFaces in JSF2 Web Applications.

The second part of the series covers the basics needed to understand authorization in a JavaEE application based on the principles provided by JAAS and how they apply in modern, JavaEE based web applications. The user is thought, how to configure his web-application to use role-based authorization and authenticate against a specific realm.

Authenticating users in a JSF2 application with the help of JAAS. Part one of a multiple article series, covering the terminology used by JAAS and how to understand it with simple examples.

Use java_bean() of Quercus with Glassfish v3 & JavaEE6

Facelets Taglib for JSF2 and Servlet 3.0

Andy Gibson has blogged about how to use Context & Dependency Injection ( CDI, the @Inject annotation ) with JSF 2. Also take a look at the comments, there is some useful info there too!

Spring 3.0 is final

16, Dec 2009

As Jurgen Hoeller posted today, Spring 3.0 is final! I will check it out as soon as possible 🙂  

Paul Sterk just announced the availability of the final version of Glassfish v3! I just tried it out and it really rocks! Download, extract, start domain, running! Even PHP Applications are easily possible: I will look further into this this weekend!

If you, like me, like to try out Glassfish v3 with its build in support for JavaEE6 and JSF 2, don’t even try to use the Glassfish v3 Preview Edition available on the Glassfish website. Instead, use one of the nightly builds You will save yourself a lot of headaches.
