Archive for the ‘persistence’ Category

If you run into the error “ORA-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000”, you’ll probably created a query that has to many elements in the IN-clause. To fix it, use the provided helper class to issue multiple queries with less than 1000 elements.

XML templates for the JPA 1.0 and JPA 2.0 versions of the orm.xml and persistence.xml files. These should allow your IDE of choice to validate and auto-complete documents.

Recently I hold a presentation about Avaje Ebean on my local Java User Group – The Java Student User Group. Ebean is a alternative to the established Java Persistence API (JPA) implementations like Hibernate, EclipseLink etc. It uses the JPA Annotations like @Table @Entity @OneToOne @OneToMany @ManyToOne @ManyToMany @Column @Enumerated @Temporal etc. to map your […]
