import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData._
val url = ""
val params: immutable.Iterable[DataPart] = Map(
"from" -> "",
"to" -> "",
"subject" -> "mySubject",
"text" ->
| """.stripMargin
).map { case (k, v) => DataPart(k, v) }
val parameterSource = Source.fromIterator(() => params.toIterator)
val f = wsClient
Code language: Scala (scala)
To make sure that your Play! Application binds on an IPv4 Socket in your Docker-Container, add the following to your build.sbt file
javaOptions in Universal ++= Seq( // docker
javaOptions in run += "" // dev mode
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
when running locally, you can also start sbt and tell it to prefer the IPv4 Stack.
Code language: Bash (bash)
// pdf generation
val play2PDF = "it.innove" % "play2-pdf" % "1.5.1" excludeAll(
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "twirl-api_2.11"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "play-server_2.11"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "play-java_2.11"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "play-netty-server_2.11"),
ExclusionRule(organization = "", name = "play-logback_2.11")
Unfortunately, it’s required to hardcode the Scala Version into the Artifact name.. Bug is still open.
Additional note: ExclusionRule.artifact actually refers to the type of packaging.. like jar / pom / zip / etc.
To start SBT with the YourKit Agent on a Mac, do it like this (where is the default installation path):
sbt -J-agentpath:/Applications/
This is the successor of my Post “PlayFramework 2.3: Global CSRF Protection – Disable CSRF selectively“, updated to PlayFramework 2.5!
Adjust your files like this:
1. Adjust your application.conf
2. Create your filter definitions
3. Create your wrapper
4. Annotate your route with the NOCSRF Tag
Google Code shut down a year ago, and recently also their “Migrate to Github” feature was disabled.
Because I have/had also a old project hosted (and some people where asking about it recently), I had to find a way on how to migrate the project to Github anyway.
I did these steps
# download the svn dump'ed repo wget # unzip gunzip repo.svndump.gz # create the repo svnadmin create /tmp/testgc # restore it svnadmin load /tmp/testgc/ < repo.svndump # launch a local svn daemon svnserve --foreground -d # in another terminal, clone your repo now using git svn (optionally create a authors file for correctly mapping to git usernames) git svn --stdlayout -A authors.txt clone svn://localhost/tmp/testgc/ # go into the cloned repo cd testgc/ # add the upstream github repo git remote add origin #push it git push --set-upstream origin master #till now, we only have the trunk / master branch # get atlassians svn-migration-scripts.jar from wget # run the scripts and expect the suggested actions java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar clean-git # if you like what you see (usually you do..), perform the actions java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar clean-git --force # after this i had a branch structure like this: git branch -a # * master # remotes/origin/0.2_nate # remotes/origin/0.4_gblaszczyk # remotes/origin/jsf-1.2-spring-2 # remotes/origin/jsf-1.2-spring-3 # remotes/origin/jsf-2.0-spring-2 # remotes/origin/jsf-2.0-spring-3 # remotes/origin/master # remotes/origin/site # remotes/origin/site@17 # remotes/origin/tags/0.1 # remotes/origin/tags/0.3_jsf-1.2-spring-2 # remotes/origin/tags/0.3_jsf-1.2-spring-3 # remotes/origin/tags/0.3_jsf-2.0_spring-2 # remotes/origin/tags/0.3_jsf-2.0_spring-3 # remotes/origin/tags/0.5 # remotes/origin/trunk # checkout each branch (except tags and trunk) and push it for i in `git branch -r | grep -v 'tags\|trunk' `; do git checkout ${i/origin\// }; git push; done # push the branches git push --all origin # checkout each tag and create a tag with the same name for i in `git branch -r | grep 'tags'`; do git checkout $i; git tag ${i/origin\/tags\// }; done # push the tags git push --tags origin
Thanks to @chrsmith for responding quickly to my google code email (4 minutes, wow!) and telling me about how to download the repo in the svn dump file format.
Thanks to Atlassian for their svn migration scripts
You can see the result of this work at my Spring Security JSF Taglib Github Project.
The PlayFramework documentation states on how to override a simple binding of a Class in your Guice Tests to another implementation, like this:
Application application = new GuiceApplicationBuilder()
If you’re using the CacheApi in your tests, you might stumble upon this kind of error:
Error in custom provider, net.sf.ehcache.ObjectExistsException: Cache cmsCache already exists at$api$cache$EhCacheModule$$bindCache$1(Cache.scala:178): Binding(interface net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache qualified with QualifierInstance(@play.cache.NamedCache(value=cmsCache)) to ProviderTarget(play.api.cache.NamedEhCacheProvider@77f743af)) (via modules:$OverrideModule -> play.api.inject.guice.GuiceableModuleConversions$$anon$1) while locating net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache annotated with @play.cache.NamedCache(value=cmsCache) at$api$cache$EhCacheModule$$bindCache$1(Cache.scala:179): Binding(interface play.api.cache.CacheApi qualified with QualifierInstance(@play.cache.NamedCache(value=cmsCache)) to ProviderTarget(play.api.cache.NamedCacheApiProvider@23f72489)) (via modules:$OverrideModule -> play.api.inject.guice.GuiceableModuleConversions$$anon$1) while locating play.api.cache.CacheApi annotated with @play.cache.NamedCache(value=cmsCache) at$api$cache$EhCacheModule$$bindCache$1(Cache.scala:180): Binding(interface play.cache.CacheApi qualified with QualifierInstance(@play.cache.NamedCache(value=cmsCache)) to ProviderTarget(play.api.cache.NamedJavaCacheApiProvider@100cf07)) (via modules:$OverrideModule -> play.api.inject.guice.GuiceableModuleConversions$$anon$1)
to fix this error, create first a FakeCacheApi Class for your tests like this:
public class FakeCacheApi implements CacheApi { private HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); @Override public <T> T get(String s) { return (T) data.get(s); } @Override public <T> T getOrElse(String s, Callable<T> callable, int i) { return getOrElse(s, callable); } @Override public <T> T getOrElse(String s, Callable<T> callable) { if (data.containsKey(s)) { return (T) data.get(s); } else { try { T value =; return value; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } } @Override public void set(String s, Object o, int i) { data.put(s, o); } @Override public void set(String s, Object o) { data.put(s, o); } @Override public void remove(String s) { data.remove(s); } }
and then override the bindings in your tests like this:
import play.cache.NamedCacheImpl;
Application application = new GuiceApplicationBuilder() .overrides(
bind(CacheApi.class).to(FakeCacheApi.class), bind(CacheApi.class).qualifiedWith(new NamedCacheImpl("cmsCache")).to(FakeCacheApi.class) // repeat this line for every named cache you have
The Play-Framework 2.x provides helpers to work with forms. While the markup created by those helpers works ok for many simple projects, more advanced projects require a specific way on how to style form fields.
The Play-Framework documentation shows how to create a custom FieldConstructor to override the way a form-field is rendered.
This works by implicitly importing the newly created FieldConstructor in every form.
Making sure that this custom FieldConstructor is automatically used in every form, requires just a little code in build.sbt:
val templateSettings = Seq( TwirlKeys.templateImports += "views.helper.FoundationFieldConstructorHelper._" )
lazy val mainProject = (project in file(".")) .enablePlugins(PlayJava) .... .settings(templateSettings: _*)
Voila! Now this FieldConstructor is used in every form automatically.
An example for a custom FieldConstructor for the Foundation CSS Framework can be found at CoderWall
Packt Publishing, known for their Ebooks and Video courses on programming and programming related stuff, did a survey on whats nice and shiny in our industry at the moment.
To allow everyone access to the most important stuff at a reasonable price, they created a special offer:
To access the offer, just go here.