Archive for the ‘Java’ Category

As already documented in my previous article about Spring and VAVR, I’m using the Future’s provided by VAVR as return types in my controller. What I’m also using, is the SpringDoc OpenAPI library to generate my OpenAPI specification. By default, SpringDoc has no clue about VAVR and how to handle its Future type. Thus, by […]

Learn how to use the Future of Vavr in a Spring Boot Project

Shows how to start the SBT with the YourKit Agent enabled on MacOS X (with default installation path)

I recently ran across a problem with the Embedded Glassfish 4 maven problem.. as soon as I tried to activate any CDI specific stuff, I got the following exception: Sep 08, 2013 11:05:37 PM org.glassfish.deployment.admin.DeployCommand execute SEVERE: Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:WELD-001524 Unable to load proxy class for bean Implicit Bean […]

Getting JRebel to work with the embedded-glassfish maven plugin. Read here how to do it.

Fast redeploys with Vaadin7 and Glassfish 4 .. spend your JRebel bucks for some beers (at least in the beginning) 😉

Problems with Embedded Glassfish 4 Maven plugin and an expired certificate? This post will show you how to solve it.

If you run into the error “ORA-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000”, you’ll probably created a query that has to many elements in the IN-clause. To fix it, use the provided helper class to issue multiple queries with less than 1000 elements.

XML templates for the JPA 1.0 and JPA 2.0 versions of the orm.xml and persistence.xml files. These should allow your IDE of choice to validate and auto-complete documents.

This post shows how to use the JPA EntityListener Annotations with Avaje Ebean.
