send multipart/form-data with playframework wsClient in scala
Taken from the PlayFramework Google Groups File “conf/routes”: -> /api api.Routes // focus on the big R! -> / website.Routes File “conf/api.routes”: GET /healthCheck/status […]
To make sure that your Play! Application binds on an IPv4 Socket in your Docker-Container, add the following to your build.sbt file when running locally, you can also start sbt and tell it to prefer the IPv4 Stack.
// pdf generation val play2PDF = “it.innove” % “play2-pdf” % “1.5.1” excludeAll( ExclusionRule(organization = “”, name = “twirl-api_2.11”), ExclusionRule(organization = “”, name = “play-server_2.11”), ExclusionRule(organization = “”, name = “play-java_2.11”), ExclusionRule(organization = “”, name = “play-netty-server_2.11”), ExclusionRule(organization = “”, name = “play-logback_2.11”) ) Unfortunately, it’s required to hardcode the Scala Version into the Artifact name.. […]
Shows how to start the SBT with the YourKit Agent enabled on MacOS X (with default installation path)
Selectively disable CSRF Checks / Filter on certain routes in PlayFramework 2.5
Google Code shut down a year ago, and recently also their “Migrate to Github” feature was disabled. Because I have/had also a old project hosted (and some people where asking about it recently), I had to find a way on how to migrate the project to Github anyway. I did these steps # download the svn […]
How to override a @NamedCache Api Binding in your Tests in PlayFramework 2.x
The Play-Framework 2.x provides helpers to work with forms. While the markup created by those helpers works ok for many simple projects, more advanced projects require a specific way on how to style form fields. The Play-Framework documentation shows how to create a custom FieldConstructor to override the way a form-field is rendered. This works […]
Packt Publishing, known for their Ebooks and Video courses on programming and programming related stuff, did a survey on whats nice and shiny in our industry at the moment. To allow everyone access to the most important stuff at a reasonable price, they created a special offer: Every eBook and Video is now available for $10! […]