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This post shows how to use the JPA EntityListener Annotations with Avaje Ebean.

Recently I hold a presentation about Avaje Ebean on my local Java User Group – The Java Student User Group. Ebean is a alternative to the established Java Persistence API (JPA) implementations like Hibernate, EclipseLink etc. It uses the JPA Annotations like @Table @Entity @OneToOne @OneToMany @ManyToOne @ManyToMany @Column @Enumerated @Temporal etc. to map your […]

Shows how to use html entities in a JSF 2 Facelets Composite Component

My Spring Security Facelets/JSF2 Tag library has its own chapter in the new book of Décio Heinzelmann Luckow in his new Book Programação Java para a Web

Shows how to bind imqbrokerd / OpenMQ to fixed ports.

Shows how to proper use xml namespaces with CDI / Weld

Describes installing of StarCraft 2 from DVD on a Linux System (Ubuntu) with Wine and how to cope with the problems involved.

Shows an Abstract DAO realized with JPA2. Also includes a method findByAttributes which leverages JPA2s CriteriaQuerys and the like Operator.

This post tries to collect a list of important links for everyone wanting to optimize his/her Glassfish v3 Server for production use.

This article shows how to access a PHP-Session from Java when running under Quercus – an implementation of PHP in Java which runs in any decent Servlet-Container.
