Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

If you’re developing Scala apps and let them be checked by Codacy, you might have enabled the check “Imports should be sorted alphabetically“. What sounds easy, isn’t in fact. Here are my findings, summarised as example imports. I hope this helps someone.. I’m sure, I’ll check back on this page in about a week again….

I recently wanted to play a DVD, where I only had the bare folder structure. KODI is supposed to support this, but its not working yet, so I ended up creating the dvd-image on my server myself. This assumes, that you have stored the VIDEO_TS folder in my_dvd Thanks to Ron999 in the Ubuntu-Forums

Recently, I’ve implemented a Swagger-API with Play. As I’ve published a new version of the API, I wanted to make a CHANGELOG available. So the question was, where to store this file.. a blog or some other external resource felt plainly wrong, so I decided to put it right next to the code.

I have a MacBook Pro 15″ Mid-2015 Retina. It uses a 85W MagSafe 2 Power Adapter, which is emitting max 4.25 Ampere at 20 Volts. According to, that means, I’ll have to configure my OmniCharge to 20V DC Output   To do this: Turn the Omnicharge on Double Click the Power button, Menu appears […]

Zipping a stream with the only element of another stream with Akka Streams

To make sure that your Play! Application binds on an IPv4 Socket in your Docker-Container, add the following to your build.sbt file when running locally, you can also start sbt and tell it to prefer the IPv4 Stack.

Selectively disable CSRF Checks / Filter on certain routes in PlayFramework 2.5

Google Code shut down a year ago, and recently also their “Migrate to Github” feature was disabled. Because I have/had also a old project hosted (and some people where asking about it recently), I had to find a way on how to migrate the project to Github anyway. I did these steps # download the svn […]

How to override a @NamedCache Api Binding in your Tests in PlayFramework 2.x

The Play-Framework 2.x provides helpers to work with forms. While the markup created by those helpers works ok for many simple projects, more advanced projects require a specific way on how to style form fields. The Play-Framework documentation shows how to create a custom FieldConstructor to override the way a form-field is rendered. This works […]
