Archive for the ‘JavaEE6’ Category

Fast redeploys with Vaadin7 and Glassfish 4 .. spend your JRebel bucks for some beers (at least in the beginning) 😉

Problems with Embedded Glassfish 4 Maven plugin and an expired certificate? This post will show you how to solve it.

Shows how to bind imqbrokerd / OpenMQ to fixed ports.

Shows how to proper use xml namespaces with CDI / Weld

Shows an Abstract DAO realized with JPA2. Also includes a method findByAttributes which leverages JPA2s CriteriaQuerys and the like Operator.

This post tries to collect a list of important links for everyone wanting to optimize his/her Glassfish v3 Server for production use.

Solutions to the Absent Code attribute problem often encountered when trying to do unit testing with Maven&/JUnit.

CDI/Weld manual lookup

21, Apr 2010

This post describes how to manually lookup beans in a CDI / Weld managed environment when you are somewhere where a simple @Inject does not work because the object itself is not managed by CDI / Weld.

Here you’ll find the web.xml headers for servlet 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 3.0 + web-fragment.xml for servlet 3.0

In this post you will learn how to match complex urls with regular expressions and PrettyFaces in JSF2 Web Applications.
